eBooks, Articles, & More

3/15/2012 ADA Requirements – Do they Apply to You?

A significant deadline is rapidly approaching: the 3/15/2012 date when the higher 2010 ADA standards apply to all new and altered recreational facilities.

Three Most Unusual Reserve Components

While conducting hundreds of Reserve Study site inspections each year, our team of Reserve Specialists occasionally run into some rather interesting assets that pass the Component List 4-part test and thus should have their repair or replacement costs reserved for.

With 100% Certainty!

We’ve all heard the famous quote “Nothing is certain except for death and taxes”, often attributed to Benjamin Franklin. But we all know there are a few more certainties in life.

The Benefit of Updating your Reserve Study Annually

Reserve Studies are budget planning and disclosure documents prepared to help the board meet their responsibility to care for the assets of the association.

Skimping on Reserve Contributions Doesn’t Save you any Money!

What’s better - $50/mo Reserve contributions (as part of your condo’s total monthly assessment) or $70/mo? All other things being equal, I’d rather pay a $50 monthly bill than a $70 monthly bill. But… not all other things are equal.

Real Estate Claims of “Strong Reserves” – Be Careful!

We subscribe to a media monitoring service that scours the internet for any “mention” of our company name. We do this to measure our influence in the Reserve Study industry and identify hot issues or trends.