eBooks, Articles, & More

Association Suffers From Split Personality!

We just finished a Reserve Study for an Association with a split personality that really should have been created as two separate associations.

Reserve Fund Study Ghosts – Past, Present, and Future!

I've spent much time and energy trying to simplify the concept of Reserve Fund planning for the benefit of those who care.

Cutting the Cost of your Waste Collection

I expected that waste collection at a community association was a fixed expense. That impression changed after I recently met Steven Reyes,

Saving for a Rainy Day – Really!

One of our clients is a large (200+) housing development on the outskirts of a major metropolitan area in a western state.

Reserve Studies “Undercover”

A long running joke in my extended family is that no one knows what I do for a living. It's even been suggested over the years that my company,

The Component List: Choosing Reserve Components in Florida

National Reserve Study Standards, effective since 1998, establish a four-part test (not a checklist) to determine which components should be funded through Reserves.