eBooks, Articles, & More

Reserve Planning: Practical Application (Part 3 of 6)

Because association boards are run by volunteers with typically high turnover, fundamental education will always be at the heart of their success.

Reserve Funds in the Real World

Multiple times a year Association representatives ask me how their Reserve Strength compares to other communities,

Do Plumbing, Electrical, and Landscape Renovation Projects Belong in a Reserve Study?

Several times a year I will get a call from an association representative

8 Ways to Detect an Irrigation Leak

Irrigation systems usually run when most people are asleep, so how can you tell if you have an irrigation leak?

Reserve Planning: Practical Application (Part 2 of 6)

Because association boards are run by volunteers with typically high turnover,

Asphalt: Plain & Simple

In our work preparing Reserve Studies, we find that a relatively small number of components typically dominate the findings of the report. Three of the most influential components are roofing, painting/siding, and asphalt.