eBooks, Articles, & More


The Impact of Inflation for HOAs in 2023

Inflation is a major concern for HOAs everywhere. Here's 5 steps to deal with the impact of inflation in 2023.

What To Do If You Can’t Afford Reserve Funding

If reserve funding is out of budget, here’s a few steps you can take to make sure your association is taken care of beyond the reserve study!

Reserve Expenses vs. Operating Expenses

What Makes a Good Reserve Study?

Everyone wants a good Reserve Study. But what does that mean exactly? A complex process broken down into simple things to look for in a great Reserve Study.

Strategy for Factoring Inflation into a Reserve Study in a Rapidly Changing Economic Environment

Why does your Reserve Study include 3% inflation long term when CPI is > 8% and some Construction Indexes are using inflation rates of over 20%?

5 Things Reserve Specialists Wish Managers Knew

Association Reserves has prepared over 70,000 reserve studies across the nation, which means we've worked with a lot of managers! We've identified the top 5 things that we wish Managers knew when it comes to reserve studies and the reserve study process.