eBooks, Articles, & More

EQ Retrofitting in Los Angeles, 2017

Homeowners and Association Managers need to be aware that the City of Los Angeles has passed Ordinances 183893 and 184081, city laws that require the earthquake retrofitting of buildings that fall below current safety standards.

Don’t Confuse Trivia with Significance

Within a Reserve Study, the Reserve Component List contains life and cost estimates for the major assets the association is obligated to maintain, thus establishing the scope and schedule of Reserve projects.

Do you Reserve for Insurance Deductibles?

At the end of my presentation yesterday, someone asked the above question. And if one person asks it, I figure others are probably looking for an answer.

DIY Reserve Study Services: Announcing the Launch of DIYReserveStudy.com

Finally… The DIY Reserve Study Website is Here

Change to the FHA “10% to Reserves” Rule?

FHA approval is a status condo associations can attain, allowing unit owners/buyers to receive FHA insurance on their loans which make those loan more attractive to lenders.

Can you Reserve for “Annual” Projects?

In a word, "yes". There is no minimum (or maximum) Useful Life stipulated in National Reserve Study Standards.