eBooks, Articles, & More

What if the Client Makes Other Plans?

Sometimes a client will be candid with us, and ask for the recently completed Reserve Study to be revised “because the Board has decided to not do the _________ project this year as recommended, they plan to do it __ years from now.”

Reserve Study Tasks – Not to try at Home!

Yesterday three things happened that were the result of people taking Reserve Study projects into their own hands. Weird that they all happened in one day. Unfortunate, because they each point out that some tasks are best left to a professional.

Independence (and its Value to the Association)

Independence in the Reserve Study process means freedom from control or influence. Independence means the Reserve Study professional is able to provide their complete findings and recommendations without interference.

Is Percent Funded Based on Current or Future Costs?

A client recently asked a good question: if Reserves are all about becoming prepared for future expenses, why would you use current cost in computing the Percent Funded (Reserve Fund strength) value for the association?

Why Don’t our Reserve Study Cost Estimates Match our Experience?

So you've received your Reserve Study. You notice that the asphalt seal coat project, which the association just paid $30,000 to have done, shows a $20,000 estimated (current) cost in your Reserve Study.

Is it a Maintenance Expense or a Reserve Expense?

A reader recently asked a good question, asking for clarification about where the money should come from for a particular expense. The answer illustrates an important concept.