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Past Webinars

Lessons from the Collapse of Champlain Towers South

We were shocked, along with the rest of the world, by the collapse of our client property, Champlain Towers South Condominium Association, in Surfside, FL on June 24, 2021. Our hearts broke for the families and friends of the 98 people who lost their lives in this unprecedented disaster. Although the underlying causes of the tragedy have yet to be determined, we know, based on our March 2020 Reserve Study, that the towers were 40 years old and the Association was significantly “underfunded”.

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What Makes My Percent Funded Change?

If we make a reserve expenditure “on schedule” (i.e., according to our Reserve Study), why does our Reserve Fund Strength (Percent Funded) drop? That’s a great question because it illustrates the difference between the calculation of Reserve Fund strength and paying for reserve expenses.

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Straight Line vs Cash Flow Reserve Funding

The scope & schedule of an Association’s reserve expenses are defined in the Reserve Study’s Component List. But once the Component List has been established, should the Reserve contributions necessary to fund those expenses be calculated using the “Straight Line” Method (officially called the Component Method) or the “Cash Flow” Method (sometimes called the “Pooled” Method)?

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Funding Plans and Accuracy

Someone who attended one of our recent webinars asked an interesting follow-up question worth sharing. His association manager had recently told him that a Funding Plan based on the Straight Line methodology (also known as the Component Method in National Reserve Study Standard terminology) was more accurate than a Funding Plan based on the Cash Flow methodology, and he wanted my opinion on the matter.

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Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

Clients often ask, “When is the appropriate time to replace a reserve component?” A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of working with an Association client with this exact dilemma.

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