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Is Your Reserve Fund On Pace?

It’s getting to be that time of year when most Community Associations begin the annual process of planning and adopting next year’s financial budget. For associations small and large, whether condo, HOA or otherwise, this is arguably the most difficult and most important task that Boards and their Managers will tackle in the course of doing business.

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What is Full Funding and Baseline Funding?

After the Component List has been created or updated, the current Reserve Fund Strength and a recommended Funding Plan are calculated. The Funding Plan typically takes the form of a recommended monthly Reserve contribution. This “action plan” is developed to take the Reserve Fund from its current condition to the Funding Objective. But the question remains, which Funding Objective, and why?

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How Much Should our Reserve Contributions Be?

There once was a man with one foot in a bucket of scalding hot water and one foot in a bucket of ice water. When asked how he felt, he said “On the average, I feel just fine!” With that illustration clearly warning you of the limitations of discussing averages, how much should your Reserve contributions be?

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