Are your Reserves Adequate?
Winston Churchill said “Saving is a very fine thing, especially if your parents have done it for you!” But how much “savings” does it take
Winston Churchill said “Saving is a very fine thing, especially if your parents have done it for you!” But how much “savings” does it take
The four-part test for determining if a component is appropriate for Reserve Funding is as follows: Is it a common area maintenance responsibility? Is it
Many Boardmembers and Managers at this time of year are asking themselves this very question. With Reserve contributions making up 15% to 40% of the
A body of new legislation affecting Florida associations was signed into law on 6/1/2010. Most significant in our opinion was the “Distressed Condominium Relief Act”.
All Association-governed communities are “aging in place”, and are moving forward towards the time they will have potentially major, unexpected expenses. But that is the
Associations that have excess funds at the end of the year face the decision if and how those funds can be moved to Reserves, or