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Past Webinars

Don’t Pay More Than You Have to for a Reserve Study

This may seem like strange advice coming from a couple of professional Reserve Study providers, but after almost 25 years in this industry we still find many of our clients confused about which level of service is appropriate for their Association.

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Davis Stirling Common Interest Development Act Quiz

A Reserve Study that has been prepared in accordance with National Reserve Study Standards will contain the information necessary to meet the first two of the three main requirements. The third “disclosure” requirement is met through the distribution of the Reserve Study (or more typically, just the Executive Summary) to the members.

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Revised ADA Recreation Guidelines

The 2010 American Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines for the Accessible Design for Recreation Facilities were revised and sign into law on September 15, 2010. The law specifies certain elements of design to ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to access and use swimming pools, spas, wading pools, and other aquatic recreation facilities.

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Why It’s Best to Hire a Reserve Specialist

One of the most important responsibilities that Boardmembers and professional Managers face each year is the preparation of their Reserve Study. This document will not only reveal the current Reserve strength of the Association, but also the Funding Plan moving forward.

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Replace on Schedule, or Wait?

When the condition of one of your Reserve components has gone all the way from Good/New to Poor/Old and now has a Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of zero, the component should be repaired or replaced immediately, right?

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Story of the Month The Budget Jam that became a Lawsuit

It all started out so innocently, with a phone call asking if we knew about reserves at condominium Associations. It was the attorney of a Developer. They were being sued by the Association for an outrageous sum, for failure to set aside appropriate Reserves.

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