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Why “Standards” Matter

The 1998 National Reserve Study Standards have been in place for over 14 years. These standards give all of us in the Reserve Study industry clear definitions of terms that we use (and calculations that we make) on a regular basis.

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How Do National Reserve Study Standards Benefit You?

National Reserve Study Standards started in a way you might not have expected… over lunch! Back in 1990, one of my competitors and I began meeting monthly for lunch. We felt the need to discuss our processes and terminology, planting the seeds of an agreed-upon “correct way” to say and do things in our industry.

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Ashpalt Sealcoating

Asphalt pavement requires regular maintenance to ensure its life reaches its full potential. Sealcoat is an effective means of periodically treating the surface of asphalt pavement, typically on a three to five year basis. The parking lots and roads in common interest developments are the

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Your Reserve Study Is A Disclosure Document

This topic comes to you this month because the Board of a current client Association is in hot water because of what they didn’t disclose to their homeowners and to their prior Reserve Study consultant. We hear disclosure problems so often in the news nowadays that it is no longer surprising – a CEO of a large company sells stock in the company for a big profit right before bad news hits.

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Which Components belong in the Reserve Study?

The Reserve Component List forms the foundation of every Reserve Study, detailing the scope and schedule of all anticipated Reserve projects. Reserve Fund Strength (also known as Percent Funded) and the Reserve Funding Plan are both calculated based on the repair &

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