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Past Webinars

Site Inspection Humor – Interesting Interactions with Real People

Our interactions with the “real people” in this industry are always interesting and often entertaining. On what might be considered a “normal” site inspection, there is often something humorous or fascinating that happens if you just pay attention. In the last month, I came home several times with a smile and a story. Here’s a recent anecdote:

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Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me!

Inspired by National Public Radio’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” weekly radio show, read the following three Association stories, and guess which of the three is not true. The stories, and the answers, can be found on our website.

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Horror Story of the Month

This story fortunately comes from outside the borders of the USA. In January, three of our Project Managers were in France doing the site inspection for a large, multi-phase association. During our standard kick-off meeting with the Manager and Controller to get up to speed

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A Los Angeles Love Story

My assignment was a site inspection for a large, older condominium association, built in the late 60s, perched on the top of a hill overlooking the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The brand new community manager was accompanying me on my walk-through,

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Sneaky Board President

We recently dealt with a creative (and sharp!) Board Treasurer who was unhappy with our With-Site-Visit (WSV) Reserve Study update for their Association. The Association is made up of single family dwellings, where every homeowner maintains their own residence.

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