
Upcoming Webinars

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Past Webinars

Reserves in Real Life

Join us for “Reserves in Real Life”, a 45 minute webinar based on past webinar attendee suggestions, that takes a deeper look at what happens “in real life” as a Project Manager makes Reserve funding decisions at a client property.

During this webinar, Robert Nordlund, PE, RS and Mark Bradley “pull apart” Reserve Studies for two associations: a 34-unit townhome and a 134-unit high-rise. See the influences of starting balance, the opportunities to phase out projects, dealing with components with over a 30-yr life, components that are handled on an “allowance” basis, and more! See a world of possibilities emerge as you step back from your own association and see things from a Reserve Study provider’s point of view.

uPlanIt: Workshop and Demonstration

uPlanIt is a novel, online Reserve calculator. It revolutionizes the way boards and managers receive their completed Reserve Study. But what exactly is it, how does it work, and what’s it good for?

Glad you asked! Join us for this 45-minute webinar where we “kick the tires” and demonstrate what it is (an online Reserve calculator, allowing you to interact with your Reserve study numbers), what it does (allows you to test all your “what-if” ideas about Reserve expenses and Reserve funding), and how you access it (on our website’s “Client Center” portal).

Access to uPlanIt is free with every professional Reserve Study engagement. Join us and to see how to harness the power of uPlanit for your association!

Avoiding Reserves Quicksand

Does your board get stuck in the reserves “quicksand?”

Have you ever been asked or asked yourself:
“What do we do?” (concerning either spending or funding)
“How do we keep the board from hoarding Reserves?” (not spending appropriately)
“How do we keep the board from depleting reserves by over-spending?”

Or perhaps you may be dealing with an inappropriate focus on the association’s percent funded rating or some pre-conceived monthly assessment target that the board doesn’t want to exceed.

If you are nodding in agreement to the list above, this webinar is for you! Join Reserve Study expert Robert Nordlund, PE, RS of Association Reserves, and Julie Adamen, former manager and now consultant and recruiter of Adamen, Inc., for a valuable and fascinating discussion on these subjects.

Reserves: Back on Track

Is your Reserve Fund headed in the right direction? Join us for this webinar where we follow three of our client associations through the years, looking over their shoulder to see the various decisions they’ve made that led to Reserve Fund success, decline, or seemingly aimless drifting. Learn what other associations have been doing, to replicate what they’re doing well, and avoid the mistakes they’ve made.

Get On Board

Most boards treat Reserve Funding as an afterthought or a “good idea” they work into their budget if possible. But Mother Nature and Father Time will destroy your common areas if you don’t take good care of them. There’s no “if” on their part!

So join us for this webinar, where you can learn successful strategies to promote effective Reserve planning at your association, putting up a good fight against the persistent forces of deterioration!

Building a Safer Tomorrow: Understanding the Updated Reserve Study Standards

The tragic collapse of Champlain Towers South redefined the conversation about older associations, deferred maintenance, and Reserve funding. In addition to budget pressure and property values, life safety is now a concern. Fortunately, National Reserve Study Standards were updated in 2023 to incorporate structural and safety concerns into the Reserve Study. Learn how these updated Standards will affect your next Reserve Study and maximize safety for your association.

SB 154 Overview: Everything You Need to Know About the New SIRS Requirements

Follow along with Will Simons, RS of Association Reserves as he covers the new statutory changes that were enacted in 2023 and signed into law in the State of Florida as of June 9th. He’ll discuss what changed since last year with regard to Structural Integrity Reserve Studies, and how our company is responding.

Funding Reserves… and What Happens When You Don’t!

You’ve all heard that you should responsibly fund Reserves. You’ve also heard that a Reserve Study tells you the size of your Reserve funding obligations. So why do so many associations ignore this counsel and fail to get a Reserve Study or adequately fund their Reserves? What do these outside professionals know that is being ignored by so many board members (and managers)? Join us in this webinar to learn what 1/3 of all boards know… the key to actually implementing a plan to reach a successful future at their association.

Reserve Investments & Inflation

With today’s high inflation, are you taking proper care of your Reserve Funds on-deposit? In this webinar, featuring community association investment expert Dave Lynn, we focus on the precious Reserve funds you’ve set aside. Do your standards of care measure up? What are your goals and responsibilities? Do your choices change if you have $50,000, $500,000, or $5,000,000 in Reserves? How do you face the inflation challenge? Are funds deposited in a bank safe nowadays?

Breaking Down… Reserve Funding

Join us for our new 2023 “Breaking Down…” webinar series, where we dive deep into a specific Reserve Study topic, bringing clarity to a subject that can be confusing and overwhelming.

Part IV is our last program in this series, and it will focus on Reserve Funding… collecting the cash needed to pay for all your Reserve projects! We’ll start by comparing ongoing funding to special assessments and loans, show different strategies (from barely scraping by to having some “margin”), balancing short term vs long term needs, and what to do if funding requirements seem overwhelming. Watch the decisions being made that result in a multi-yr Funding Plan… like the one for your association!

Breaking Down… Reserve Expenses

Join us for our new 2023 “Breaking Down…” webinar series, where we dive deep into a specific Reserve Study topic, bringing clarity to a subject that can be confusing and overwhelming.

Part III will focus on Reserve Expenses… the costs funded through Reserves. How are they determined? What authority is referenced? What are typical “component” expenses? How do you avoid the dangers of too few or too many Reserve components? Learn how these Reserve expenses are developed for your association, so you’ll be ready to get them done and maximize your property values!

Breaking Down… the Reserve Study

Join us for our new 2023 “Breaking Down…” webinar series, where we dive deep into a specific Reserve Study topic, attempting to bring clarity to a subject that can be confusing and overwhelming.

Part II will focus on the Reserve Study itself – how you get maximum value from it. Learn what to look for, how to interpret what you are seeing, what action items it creates for the board, how best to present the results to homeowners, how it sets a plan for an improved future for your association, and more!

Breaking Down… The Reserve Study Process

Join us for our new 2023 “Breaking Down…” webinar series, where we dive deep into a specific Reserve Study topic, attempting to bring clarity to a subject that can be confusing and overwhelming.

Part I will focus on the Reserve Study process from start to finish. Follow along as we guide you through your journey to getting that Reserve Study in your hands – eliminating any mysteries and clearing the path for you to get a quality product that provides your association with sound guidance, and one that provides great value to your association.

Reserves: Advanced Concepts for Managers & Boards

Deterioration is inevitable, inflation is high, and finances are tight! This means there is little “margin for error” while working with Reserves for the critical purpose of affording a property’s predictable & costly repairs and replacements.

So… how does one negotiate myriad decision points to successfully nurse, nudge, or cajole the association towards an improved future? Skipping over basic Reserve issues, this session will address some of the most influential tips that help Boards and Managers…

– Avoid Reserve-related mistakes
– Preserve the Reserve fund
– Move an Association towards an improved future

This webinar will save you time and headaches!

Reserve Study Q&A: Ask the Experts!

Do you have a Reserve Study question that you’ve always wanted to ask? Here’s your chance! Take advantage of a free 45 minute webinar to ask any questions you want answered by Association Reserves CEO and Founder, Robert Nordlund, PE, RS and Association Reserves – San Francisco, LLC president, Derek Eckert, RS, PRA.

Learn your Association’s FiPhO™ Health Score!

What is a FiPhO™ Health Score, why does it matter, and how is it calculated?

Last year’s tragic collapse of Champlain Towers South inspired us to introduce a change to an industry in desperate need of change. Check out this short (3:44) video introducing Association Insights & Marketplace.

Then join us for an explanation & demonstration of this revolutionary new free public service & scoring concept described in a recent Washington Post article.

Developing the Funding Plan

Join us for “Developing the Funding Plan”, a 45 minute webinar that follows up on our recent webinars, Reserve Studies 102 (where we introduced general Reserve Funding concepts) and Reserves in Real Life (where we took a deeper look at real-life reserve funding decisions as a Project Manager at a client property).

In this webinar we will actually develop a Funding Plan and show “in real time” during the webinar how different factors will change the Funding Plan outcome.

Follow along as Bryan Farley, RS, and Robert Nordlund, PE, RS apply Funding Plan theory and turn it into realty. You’ll also see the intersection between the math of the Funding Plan and the human factors of board decisions and pressures to minimize Reserve funding. Finally, you’ll enjoy some helpful hints on dealing with owners on the subject of “making the sale” for properly and adequately funding Reserves at your association.

Reserves in Real Life

Join us for “Reserves in Real Life”, a 45 minute webinar based on past webinar attendee suggestions, that takes a deeper look at what happens “in real life” as a Project Manager makes Reserve funding decisions at a client property.

During this webinar, Jim Talaga, RS, and Robert Nordlund, PE, RS “pull apart” Reserve Studies for two associations: a 34-unit townhome and a 134-unit high-rise. See the influences of starting balance, the opportunities to phase out projects, dealing with components with over a 30-yr life, components that are handled on an “allowance” basis, and more! Look over the shoulder of two veteran Reserve Specialists and start to see a world of possibilities emerge for responsibly funding the Reserves at your association.

Reserve Study “Road Map for Managers”

Here in 2022, we rightfully have a greater appreciation and concern for preventing expensive and dangerous deferred maintenance. This places a higher burden on managers and boards to make wise decisions about effective Reserve funding and spending. If the funds aren’t there, the projects can’t get done in a timely manner.

Join us on Wednesday, June 15 (at two different times), to learn some key insights that will help you stay “on track”, learning how your Reserve Study can make your present less stressful and your future more secure.

**If you plan on attending this webinar for CE credit, please note:
1. On the day of the webinar, you must click on the link provided in your registration confirmation email and watch the entire live webinar to receive credit. Phone call attendees that cannot see the screen/presentation do not count for credit.
2. The link only tracks the one registered attendee. If there are multiple people watching off one computer, please email me immediately following the live session.
3. We must submit the amount of time an attendee is on the webinar for the CMCA attendees.
4. A certificate of completion will be emailed out to all attendees who watch the live session. You will receive a certificate within a week of the webinar. You are responsible for submitting your certificate when reapplying for your designation.

Reserve Studies 103: The Funding Plan

Join Robert Nordlund, PE, RS and Ian McGeady, RS for part three of our free, three-part webinar series on Reserve Studies. Reserve Studies 101 addressed the Component List, explaining which assets at your association are appropriate for Reserve Funding. Reserve Studies 102 was an overview of the entire Financial Analysis: addressing Reserve Fund Strength (Percent Funded) calculations and introducing Reserve Funding Plans.

With all new content updated for 2022, Reserve Studies 103: The Funding Plan will take the time to clearly and concisely answer:

  • What’s the right amount for us to contribute (short term vs long term)?
  • Why are there different Funding Objectives?
  • What are the implications of “Straight Line” vs “Cash Flow” methods?
  • How can contributions be so different for the same association?
  • What is best for our association in a time of financial stress?

Reserve Studies 102: The Financial Analysis

Earn Continuing Education credit while joining Robert Nordlund, PE, RS and Bryan Farley, RS for part two of our three part series on Reserve Studies. Reserve Studies 101 addressed the Component List, explaining the application of National Reserve Study Standards in deciding which common area assets at the association are appropriate for Reserve Funding. In Reserve Studies 102 we address the next step: The Financial Analysis. In this 45-minute webinar, with all new content updated for 2022, we’ll answer:

1) How do we reliably measure Reserve Fund strength?
2) What are the consequences of a weak Reserve Fund?
3) How can people calculate different Reserve contributions for the same association?
4) How much Reserve contributions are “enough”?

Reserve Studies 101: The Component List

Earn Continuing Education credit while joining Robert Nordlund, PE, RS and Sean Andersen, RS as they cover the fundamentals of a Reserve Study Component List. During this 45 minute Webinar, you will learn:

1) How important is the Component List?
2) Which components are the most influential?
3) Avoiding the mistake of “missing” components!

Reserve Study Basics for 2022

Every so often it is important to take it back to the basics to improve your understanding of a subject. Reserve contributions are regularly one of an association’s largest budget line items (or they should be!). So save time, save money, and avoid costly mistakes by joining us for this “Reserve Study Basics” webinar. Whether you are a Boardmember or Manager, in this 45-minute session we’ll show you how the basic principles of Reserve Studies are in the best interests of your association.

Reserve Study Basics Webinar: Learn how a Community Association Reserve Study can help keep Insurance Costs down!

Join us for this very special webinar to learn how aging infrastructure and deferred maintenance issues have now become a growing concern for many insurers in the wake of the collapse of Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida.

Robert Nordlund, PE, RS, the Founder/CEO of Association Reserves, and Kevin Davis, President of Kevin Davis Insurance Services will discuss how a Reserve Study for community associations can help avoid deferred maintenance and keep insurance costs down.

You’ll also get a sneak preview of a new joint marketing program between Association Reserves & Kevin Davis Insurance Services that will benefit all associations.

Reserve Study Road Map for Managers

Here in 2021, we rightfully have a greater appreciation and concern for preventing expensive and dangerous deferred maintenance. This places a higher burden on managers and boards to make wise decisions about effective Reserve funding and spending. If the funds aren’t there, the projects can’t get done in a timely manner.

Join us to learn some key insights that will help you stay “on track”, learning how your Reserve Study can make your present less stressful and your future more secure.

Older Condos – Part 2: The Four C’s of an Effective HOA Board

Join us for Older Condos – Part 2: the Board Response, with two subject matter experts addressing your current homeowner, board member, and manager concerns stemming from the recent tragic building collapse in Florida. Learn what you need to know to present an effective Board response (the 4 C’s of an effective board) and budget response (Reserve strategy), so you can respond appropriately, making the present less stressful and the future more secure. Sharing their expertise and answering your questions will be Robert Nordlund, PE, RS of Association Reserves and Julie Adamen of Adamen, Inc.

Older Condos – Part 1: Q&A Panel with Industry Experts

We have gathered a panel of four subject matter experts to address current homeowner, board member, and manager concerns stemming from the recent tragic building collapse in Florida. Learn what you need to know about key issues and best practices so you can respond appropriately, making the present less stressful and the future more secure. Sharing their expertise and answering your questions will be:

  • Robert Nordlund, PE, RS of Association Reserves
  • Adrian Adams, Esq. of Adams | Stirling, PLC
  • Tim Cline, CIRMS of Cline Agency Insurance Brokers
  • Kevin Davis of Kevin Davis Insurance Services.

uPlanIt: Workshop and Demonstration

uPlanIt is a novel, online Reserve calculator. It revolutionizes the way boards and managers receive their completed Reserve Study. But what exactly is it, how does it work, and what’s it good for?

Glad you asked! Join us for this 45-minute webinar where we “kick the tires” and show you what uPlanIt is with real-life examples (an online Reserve calculator, allowing you to interact with your Reserve Study numbers), what it does (allows you to test all your “what-if” ideas about Reserve expenses and Reserve funding at your property), and how you access it (on our website, right next to your completed Reserve Study).

Access to uPlanIt is free with every professional Reserve Study engagement. Join us and to see how to harness the power of uPlanit for your association!

Behind the Scenes: How a Reserve Study is Made

What happens in the process of preparing a Reserve Study? Join us as we “pull back the curtain” and show the craftsmanship and decision points involved in Reserve Study preparation for Full and With Site Visit updates. We’ll show you how we prepare for a site inspection – including a peek at our satellite tools, measuring and photographing assets while on-site, the importance of client communications to get updated project history, researching and establishing appropriate life and cost estimates, and crafting a custom Funding Plan for your property.

“Is Your Association Fiscally Responsible?” with Russell Munz, CMCA

Embezzlement. Payroll. Accounts Payable. Delinquencies. Operating vs Reserves. These just a few of the financial challenges boards and managers face twelve times a year. It is so simple to say “assessments should offset expenses” in running a community association. But we all know that reality is much more complicated than theory, especially here in 2021 as rising delinquencies unsettle budgets and cause cash to become tight. While it is true that the “devil is in the details”, it is also true that “success is in the details”! So join us for this 45 minute webinar that will help your association, or the ones you manage, move forward towards a fiscally responsible future that makes the present less stressful and the future more secure. You will learn (or be reminded of) financial “best practices” and the four reports that help you know where the money is, where it is going, and where it is not supposed to go!

Auditor Insights – Tips from a Pro

Join host Robert Nordlund, PE, RS, and special guest Jeremy Newman, CPA of Newman, CPA (HOACPA.com – a multi-state accounting firm), for insights that will prevent fraud, save your association money when working with an accounting professional, and help you quickly spot the important numbers in monthly financial reports. The numbers matter, and it’s in your best interest to know where they are and what they are saying. Join us to learn how to make wise financial and record-keeping decisions through out the year that will save you time and save the association money. Our audience will benefit from hearing Jeremy reveal what his best clients know, and what all other association managers and leaders should know.

“Understanding Reserves: A Guide to Your Association’s Reserve Fund & Reserve Study” – a Discussion with the Authors

Join Authors Kevin Leonard, RS and Robert Nordlund, PE, RS as they discuss “Understanding Reserves: A Guide to Your Association’s Reserve Fund & Reserve Study”, a brand new Reserve Study reference book for board members and community managers. Kevin and Robert will talk through the topics covered in the book, answer questions from the audience, and giveaway a book to a lucky attendee!

“Understanding Reserves” clarifies the issues surrounding reserve related decisions, and communicating those issues to home owners. This informative guide answers questions such as: Why should an association set aside reserves? What is a reserve study and why is it important?
What level of reserve funding is adequate? How should a reserve study be conducted? What is a reserve component? What does percent funded mean? How is a reserve funding plan calculated? and much more! This guidebook will quickly become a well referenced resource on your desk!

Reserve Study Insights for Industry Professionals

You’ve heard that Reserve Studies are invaluable for association-governed communities. But do you know why they’re as helpful to accounting, banking, insurance, legal, and financial professionals as they are to Boardmembers and Managers?  This free 35-minute webinar explains how to leverage the information in a Reserve Study to serve your clients more effectively, and how those efforts lead Associations towards an improved future.  If you serve HOAs, this webinar contains insights you don’t want to miss!

1.    Engineering Studies and Reserve Studies. What’s the difference?
2.    Architects & Engineers vs. Construction Specialist vs. Consultants
3.    What does a Reserve Study include (or exclude) and why?
4.    When should Reserve Studies be done?
5.    How do Reserve Studies serve different purposes for different professionals?

Using your Reserve Study (Effectively!)

You have your updated Reserve Study – great! But what do you do now? Join host Robert Nordlund, PE, RS and guest expert Jim Talaga, RS for a candid discussion on how to use your Reserve Study to guide your association towards an improved future. Robert and Jim will cover commonly asked questions such as “where are we currently and how do we get to where we want to be?” and “what do I distribute – and how?” and topics that include finding the three results in every Reserve Study, recommended best practices for applying it to your association (and getting buy-in from your owners), and much more.

The Case for Adequate Reserves with Joel W. Meskin and George Nowack

Approximately 70% of associations have “underfunded” Reserves, threatening the sustainability of the association and damaging the market value of the homes. In an industry where the majority of boards successfully budget to pay their bills, secure insurance coverage, enjoy the assistance of professional management, and manage regular elections of new leadership, why does such a glaring blind spot persist? And that’s even without the additional financial pressures of COVID-19! Join us for this stimulating and thought-provoking discussion on “The Case for Adequate Reserves” by three industry veterans from the field of Reserves, Insurance, and Law: Robert Nordlund, PE, RS (Reserve Study expert), Joel W. Meskin, Esq., CIRMS, CCAL (Attorney and D&O Insurance industry expert), and George Nowack, Jr, Esq, CCAL (Attorney).

Creating a Great Future

If you are handed a road map, you can get from point A to point B, but you will get there the most efficiently if you know how to read the map and if smart decisions are made along the way. The same is true for your association. The Reserve Study is the road map, but a great map without great decisions doesn’t get you to your destination. The magic of combining a great Reserve Study with great decision-making is what creates an association with a great future.

Joining host Robert Nordlund, PE, RS will be Association Reserves-Florida President Will Simons, RS and attorney Lisa Magill, CCAL of Kaye Bender Rembaum.

Topics Covered:
• Understand and communicate the role of the Reserve Study and Reserve Contributions
• The role of Board Responsibilities – summarized from Governing Docs, State Law, and the Business Judgment Rule
• Tips to get a great Reserve Study
• Tips to minimize special assessments and maximize home values!

Fiduciary Duty – What it is (and isn’t)

With all the disruptions in our life and extra concerns for boards to address here in 2020, what is the board’s fundamental responsibility? By affirming the “big picture”, managers and boards can ensure they stay “on track” and everyday details begin to fall into place. Join host Robert Nordlund (with Association Reserves) and guest expert, prominent attorney and former CAI National President Kelly Richardson (with Richardson|Ober|DeNichilo), as Kelly describes the board’s role as a “Fiduciary”. In this 45-minute live webinar, learn what a Fiduciary is, the three attributes and responsibilities of a Fiduciary, and what that means with respect to rogue or needy owners, split board decisions, establishing priorities, and how being a Fiduciary means “no guessing”!

“Budgeting for Success” with Julie Adamen

Join us for a live presentation and Q&A with Management Consultant Julie Adamen and Reserve Study expert Robert Nordlund as they share valuable insights about how the process and results are going to be different in 2020, with regular breaks to answer your questions live. What is going to be different? What is going to be the same? What are the lessons learned from prior “unsettled” years? What are key words or phrases to use? What are your priorities? How might they be different from association priorities?

Get the insights you need (and perhaps a new tool) to move confidently through the budget process in 2020 with the greatest chance for sufficient funds in 2021, without cramming through an uncertain budget in the last few days (hours!) before the budget needs to be approved and distributed.

Reserve Planning YOUR Way!

What if?

Once we deliver a Reserve Study to a client, we know they often wonder “What if?”

What if we tweak the timing (or cost) of a particular reserve component? How would that affect the funding plan? What if we were able to transfer $25,000 from the Operating account into Reserves? Would that change our Percent Funded? What if we moved our Reserve fund to a new bank with a 0.5% increase in interest earnings? How much would that decrease our budgeted reserve contributions? The point is you really want to know. And up until now, it’s been hard to quickly or easily get you those answers.

But not anymore.

Introducing uPlanIt, a Reserve calculator unlike any other on the market today, giving Clients absolute control of their Reserve funding information. Guaranteed to deliver Boardmembers MORE solutions and LESS headaches, uPlanIt eliminates guesswork, facilitates collaboration, and builds consensus. Get the answers to all your “what if?” questions, with results delivered in your choice of insightful charts & tables that all comply with National Reserve Study Standards.

Join Robert Nordlund, PE, RS to learn more about this powerful new online tool. Robert will demonstrate how easy and convenient uPlanIt is to use by testing a variety of common “what if” scenarios. With uPlanIt, the power to control your property’s physical & financial future is entirely in your hands!

Reserves to the Rescue?

Survive the current economic upheaval. But how? In normal times, the standard response to “Can we use Reserves to cover an Operating Fund shortfall?” is to advise not plundering their Reserves… those funds are already dedicated towards specific projects. But these are not normal times. Survivability of the association is the issue (paying essential bills). The roof still needs to be replaced in 5 years, but the insurance bill needs to be paid now! We believe the Reserve Fund is a very powerful tool that can be used to help the association survive a phase of temporary high delinquencies and not sacrifice the future of the association. But it must be done carefully.

Join Reserve Fund expert Robert Nordlund, PE, RS (from Association Reserves) and California attorney Adrian Adams (from Adams|Stirling PLC) for expert guidance on this subject. Our speakers will address current unusual times, and how the business judgment rule allows (and protects) a board working in the best interests of the association, even when going against “standard best practices”. We will address three topics:

Preserving cash (prioritizing Reserve expenses… delaying the ones that don’t matter)
Re-allocating cash (borrowing from Reserve contributions or the Reserve Fund, and ways to restore those funds in months or years), and
Saving cash (executing projects now that were scheduled later in the year, to take advantage of “softer pricing” from vendors).

Tips for Professional Success! with the 2019 National “Manager of the Year” Winners

Join Robert Nordlund from Association Reserves and the 2019 National “Manager of the Year” Winners as they dive into what has added to their success as Managers.

In this free webinar, Tiffany Jackson (Fairway Village Residents Association) and Pamela Coleman (Advance HOA Management) will share tips that have led to their success in the complex field of Association Management. Time will be reserved for your questions!

Hallmarks of Successful Boards & Board Members with Kelly Richardson

A community association rises to the level of its board of directors, who serve as its voice and guide. Excellent communities are always led by great boards, yet being a great board member has little to do with the person’s background. Being a great board member, and working on a great board, require learned skills in the area of expectations, values, and a correct understanding of rules and responsibilities. Join us for this insightful webinar to learn the hallmarks of effective board service, for the benefit of the association you serve or the boards you influence.

Answers to Your Reserve Study Questions!

Follow along with Robert Nordlund of Association Reserves in this webinar answering as many of your questions as humanly possible in 45 minutes! Some general answers, some specific answers.

Boards – Don’t Make these Mistakes! with Kelly Richardson

Robert & Kelly discuss tips about how to avoid some of the major, unnecessary leadership and financial mistakes they see community association boards and managers making all too often.

Budget Success for Boards and Homeowners

Boards of community associations are responsible for the budget, but they often lack effective training, mistakenly jumping straight into the numbers. We hear from three experts:
Bill Chmura: 13-yr treasurer of his association and popular noted author on association budgeting; Jeff Westendorf: Mgmt company owner with a reputation for guiding their clients successfully towards balanced, sustainable budgets; and Robert Nordlund of Association Reserves, founder of a Reserve Study company serving a national client base for over 30 years.

Choosing your Reserve Components

Join Robert Nordlund of Association Reserves and Raymond Piccin of Katzman, Garfinkel & Berger as they discuss how to choose your Reserve Components in light of State Law (FL and WA), national Reserve Study Standards, and the unique needs of the association.

Conflict at Your Association? You Don’t Say! with Kelly Richardson

Robert & Kelly discuss tips how to identify and avoid root causes of organizational and financial conflict at your association. Find the simple adjustments you can make to your expectations, language, or actions that will make material differences in increasing the enjoyment of life while running the association, or among the owners living in the association.

How to Read Any Reserve Study in 5 min or Less!

Confused about what to look for in a Reserve Study? Join Robert Nordlund, RS and Jim Talaga, RS, both from Association Reserves as they teach you what key results to look for in any completed Reserve Study.

Reserve Planning and Construction Defect Litigation with Loura Sanchez and Joe Smith

Robert, Loura, and Joe address the conflicting priorities boards and managers are confronted with when the association faces the unfortunate challenges of construction defects. The board and owners are concerned about the integrity of their homes, yet the business of running the association must go on.

Reserves & D&O Insurance with Kevin Davis

Robert and Kevin discuss wise decision-making (and what that means) leading towards peace of mind with effective D&O insurance coverage and having “Adequate Reserves”. What decisions are covered by D&O insurance? What constitutes a wise or foolish decision? We look at D&O insurance coverage with specific examples of fiscal responsibility and Reserves.

Legal Side of Reserve Studies Part I with Adrian Adams

Watch as Reserve Study professional Robert Nordlund from Association Reserves and community association legal expert Adrian Adams from Adams Kessler have a conversation about the legal issues surrounding Reserve Studies: Why do it, do you need to follow it, who controls what’s in it, how National Reserve Study Standards affect State Laws, and an outline of Boardmember and Manager responsibilities.

Legal Side of Reserve Studies Part II with Adrian Adams

Watch as Reserve Study professional Robert Nordlund from Association Reserves and community association legal expert Adrian Adams from Adams Kessler continue their conversation about the legal issues surrounding Reserve Studies: Why, how often, Boardmember and manager responsibilities, and liability exposure.

Maximizing Home Values at Your Association

Follow along with Robert Nordlund of Association Reserves in this webinar outlining the tangible and measurable steps boards can take to maximize home values within their association. These are decisions that can make a big, positive impact for all your homeowners!

Planning for the Predictable with Barry Altland and Bill Chmura

Topics covered include meeting the needs of volunteers, sustaining your volunteers, building a pipeline of volunteers, and having those volunteers successfully handle long-term Reserve planning.

Reserve Study Road Map Part II

Follow along with Robert Nordlund, Jim Talaga, and Aldo Gonzalez of Association Reserves in this informative video explaining concepts you can use to make wise Reserve budget choices throughout the year (not just at budget time)!

Selling Out, Settling, or Succeeding

Follow along with Robert Nordlund of Association Reserves for a story of three identical associations and the effects over five years of their different Reserve Funding choices. Find out if the association that wanted to save money really did save money? If wisdom is learning from the mistakes of others, what “lessons learned” can you apply at your association?

Stump the Reserve Specialist!

In this webinar, enjoy hearing Robert Nordlund, PE, RS and Jim Talaga, RS (both of Association Reserves) field live questions from the audience on Reserve component selection, Reserve funding, and Reserve Studies in general. Very informative!

Tackling Budgets Effectively & Efficiently with Julie Adamen

Focusing on Reserve Study issues, Robert & Julie share some key tips to save time and your sanity through this key project. Key “lessons learned” are shared that lead to a more successful future for your association.

Tight Budgets, Tough Choices with Adrian Adams

Topics covered are boardmember responsibilities, manager responsibilities (and powers), finding Operating and Reserve budget expense flexibility, and strategies for avoiding “budget-busting” expenses. Effectively set the right income for a balanced budget, and understand the “safe harbor” provided in the Business Judgment Rule.

Reserve Study “Tips that Make a Difference” with Bob Gourley

Robert & Bob address many common questions about finances and Reserves with straightforward answers, supported by National Reserve Study Standards. Topics include “How much is Enough?”, borrowing from Reserves, difference between Operating & Reserve budgets, FHA-sized contributions, and much more!

Underfunding Reserves and Business Judgement Rule with David Firmin

This webinar featuring Robert Nordlund of Association Reserves and David Firmin of Hindman-Sanchez unlocks the keys to minimizing a boardmember’s personal liability exposure while making important Reserve Funding decisions. Most associations are in an underfunded situation, making liability exposure significant.

Underfunding Reserves in Community Associations

Robert Nordlund, PE RS of Association Reserves answers the question “If underfunding Reserves is foolish, why do so many associations do it?”. Learn the four most common reasons why associations underfund, the five consequences of underfunding, and how to learn if your association is underfunded or not.

Underfunding Reserves – Keep Calm and Be Smart!

Robert Nordlund of Association Reserves shares from his 27 yrs of experience telling the audience how Reserve Underfunding is calculated, how many associations are underfunded, exposing the high cost and foolishness of underfunding,

What do you do with your Completed Reserve Study?

In this webinar, Robert Nordlund, PE, RS of Association Reserves explains what Boardmembers and managers should do when they receive their Reserve Study: 2 things to review, 3 results to look for, and 2 things to do with it.

Your Association and the FHA – What’s in it for me? with Eric Boucher

Follow along with Robert Nordlund of Association Reserves and Eric Boucher of ReadySetLoan as they have a straightforward discussion clearly outlining the benefits of your association becoming FHA approved, if FHA approval is suitable for your association, and what it takes for your association to become FHA approved.

Tips for Professional Success with the 2018 National “Manager of the Year” Winners

Join Robert Nordlund from Association Reserves and the 2018 National “Manager of the Year” Winners as they dive into what has added to their success as Managers.

In this free webinar, Robert Sides (Regatta Seaside HOA) and Kate Hightshoe (Hubbell Realty Company) will share tips that have led to their success in the complex field of Association Management:
• Tech integration on efficiency
• Maximizing strengths and addressing weaknesses
• Defining success – KPI’s, Deliverables, Scorecards, and Key Metrics
• Quality initiatives – Focus on the Customer Experience
• Effective communication – Intentional Messaging

Inflation and Reserves Planning: Adjusting to Rising Costs

Inflation is an economic force that affects everything, from household expenses to the long-term financial planning of homeowners associations (HOAs). For HOAs, reserve planning is particularly vulnerable to inflationary pressures, as rising costs for materials, labor, and services directly impact the ability to fund major projects.

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Reserve Funding Legislation – Not a “Silver Bullet”

While reserve funding legislation aims to address the growing issue of underfunded community associations, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Achieving financial stability requires proactive planning, a realistic understanding of costs, and collaboration between boards, professionals, and homeowners.

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New Fannie Mae Mortgage Availability Tool

We are happy to report that Fannie Mae has created a new online tool to help associations become aware of their “Fannie Mae” eligibility status. Being “Fannie Mae Qualified” is important, as it allows individual consumers to get the most attractive mortgage terms (rates).

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Communicating Reserve Study Results to Homeowners

Board members and managers sometimes ask us how to effectively communicate the results of their Reserve Study to homeowners, or how to “sell” the value of a Reserve Study to their homeowner members. So please see the template “open letter” we’ve created for you below.

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