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Past Webinars

The Four Reserve Rules

In preparing to speak to two different audiences in two days, both made up of new boardmembers and new managers, I wanted to make sure I was communicating the simple truths about Reserve planning. It forced me to get down to the real basics, and in almost 30 years I found I had never crystallized my thoughts on the matter. What indeed are the underlying rules, on which all the details are based? So after some pondering, reflecting on questions I’ve recently fielded, and problems I’ve recently helped solve, I came up with this short list. I believe it defines the underlying reasons why Reserve planning, Reserve Studies, and National Reserve Study Standards are important:

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Underfunded Reserves – the $10 Solution!

In a recent webinar, an attendee remarked how simple it seemed to get on the path to appropriate Reserve funding. They were right! The problem of underfunded Reserves in community associations across the country can eliminated in five years with the $10 solution. Follow along as I explain.

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Setting our Industry Up for Success

After 30 years preparing Reserve Studies, helping associations make wise decisions about their capital budgets to avoid surprises and the high cost of deferred maintenance, Robert Nordlund of Association Reserves has joined the national “Think Tank” of the Foundation for Community Association Research (FCAR) to help the industry on a broader spectrum. Watch a brief video introducing 2016 Think Tank members and projects here.

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Make your Association 35% Better!

We all know that scarcity causes conflict and stress. Scarcity of Reserves causes deferred maintenance and special assessments, drags down property values, and causes other related problems. How can an association avoid these problems and emerge with sufficient funds to maintain the community, maximizing property values and pride of ownership?

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Don’t Confuse Trivia with Significance

Within a Reserve Study, the Reserve Component List contains life and cost estimates for the major assets the association is obligated to maintain, thus establishing the scope and schedule of Reserve projects.

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