Reserve Studies help you outsmart disrepair at your property. In this eBook, you’ll learn about the three key results of a Reserve Study: the Component List, Reserve Fund Strength, and the Funding Plan.
A map is extremely helpful when departing on a journey, but if there are unexpected roadblocks, even the most experienced traveler needs help arriving at the intended destination. A reserve study is a map to the future, but what’s a manager or board to do when roadblocks arise while trying to follow the directions?
After 30 years in this industry educating other professionals, clients, and prospects how to make wise decisions with respect to Reserves, I’m considering a different, age-old strategy: Change behavior by providing a financial incentive!
If a leader of community volunteers can remember, embrace and live these four simple words, they are bound to make a profound impact on the volunteers in their circle. In turn, those volunteers will have boundless impact on the communities they serve.
In the prior Practical Application article, we showed the annually required reserves disclosures to be a powerful and easy to use planning and communication tool on their own.