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Past Webinars

Why It’s Best to Hire a Reserve Specialist

One of the most important responsibilities that Boardmembers and professional Managers face each year is the preparation of their Reserve Study. This document will not only reveal the current Reserve strength of the Association, but also the Funding Plan moving forward.

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Why Contribute to Reserves?

Boardmembers and Managers often get themselves into a situation where they need to “sell” the value of regular Reserve contributions to their homeowners. It’s often a simple matter of fighting for budget dollars… Reserve contributions don’t keep the lights on, they don’t keep the Association properly insured, and they don’t pay the Management company’s bill.

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Reserve Study Accuracy

I recently read an article critical of using “% Funded” to measure the financial strength of an Association’s Reserve Fund. The author argued that since

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Are your Reserves Adequate?

Winston Churchill said “Saving is a very fine thing, especially if your parents have done it for you!” But how much “savings” does it take

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