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Lifetime Tile Roofs: Fact or Fiction

The world of roofing is very competitive, causing product
manufacturers to seek ways to separate themselves by
offering more and more. The latest marketing trend is to
advertise “lifetime” tile roofs.

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New Swimming Pool Standards

The 2010 American Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines for the Accessible Design for Recreation
Facilities were revised and sign into law on September 15, 2010. The law specifies certain
elements of design to ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to access and use
swimming pools, spas, wading pools, and other aquatic recreation facilities.

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Why Modernize a (Perfectly Functional) Elevator?

Elevators are critical elements of modern-day, multi-story buildings. Owners expect they will function as reliably as the sun comes up in the morning. Unfortunately elevators, just like any
other mechanical component, eventually fail.

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