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Past Webinars

Can We Reserve for Landscaping?

Great question! A reader asked this yesterday, describing their association as a residential association with many private homes along a common street, with little other common area assets (a gate system and a tot lot).

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What to do when a Component Fails Early?

You expect your roof to last 20 years, but after 15 years you are having leaks everywhere. Your pool heater is a lemon and after three years you are convinced any more repairs would be a waste of money. Your last paint job is simply not cutting it. You need to spend Reserves earlier than planned. What do you do?

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Should we Reserve for Tile Roof Replacement?

When there is a major component that we know will have some related expenditures but where predicting the size and timing of those expenditures are difficult, we often provide the association an “allowance”, meaning a sum of money every few years to handle estimated periodic expenses related to the component.

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