Developing the Funding Plan

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Join us for “Developing the Funding Plan”, a 45 minute webinar that follows up on our recent webinars, Reserve Studies 102 (where we introduced general Reserve Funding concepts) and Reserves in Real Life (where we took a deeper look at real-life reserve funding decisions as a Project Manager at a client property).

In this webinar we will actually develop a Funding Plan and show “in real time” during the webinar how different factors will change the Funding Plan outcome.

Follow along as Bryan Farley, RS, and Robert Nordlund, PE, RS apply Funding Plan theory and turn it into realty. You’ll also see the intersection between the math of the Funding Plan and the human factors of board decisions and pressures to minimize Reserve funding. Finally, you’ll enjoy some helpful hints on dealing with owners on the subject of “making the sale” for properly and adequately funding Reserves at your association.

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