Reserve Studies 103: The Funding Plan
Follow along with Robert Nordlund, PE, RS and Brian Weaver, PCAM, as they explain how to create an HOA funding plan!
Follow along with Robert Nordlund, PE, RS and Brian Weaver, PCAM, as they explain how to create an HOA funding plan!
Join us to learn some key insights that will help you stay on track, learning how your Reserve Study can make your present less stressful and your future more secure.
Join us as we cover reserve funding advanced concepts that will help you properly manage your reserves and understand your reserve study!
uPlanIt: What is it, how does it work, and what’s it good for? Here’s what you need to know about our online reserve calculator!
Join Robert & Julie as they uncover the pitfalls of HOA reserves quicksand, how to avoid it, and how to get out of it!
These are real-life examples of HOA funding decisions that have reshaped community associations forever! Join us as we follow three of our REAL client associations through the years.