Reserve Study Insights for Industry Professionals
Know how to leverage your Reserve Study to serve your clients more effectively, and how those efforts lead HOAs toward an improved future.
Know how to leverage your Reserve Study to serve your clients more effectively, and how those efforts lead HOAs toward an improved future.
Join us for this thought-provoking discussion with 3 industry veterans from the field of Reserves, Insurance, and Law!
Learn what a Fiduciary is, the 3 attributes of a Fiduciary, and what that means with respect to owners, split HOA board decisions & establishing priorities.
Amidst current unusual times, learn how to run properly even when going against standard best practices. From preserving, re-allocating, & saving cash!
Learn the skills in the area of expectations, values, and a correct understanding of rules and responsibilities for a successful HOA board.
Tips to avoid major, unnecessary leadership & financial mistakes community association boards & managers make all too often.